Tapio Lappalainen

Composer – Music Technologist

Welcome to my website!

On the biography page, I tell you about my career as a composer.

In the Works and scores section you will find my own compositions and also co-written compositions composed together with my wife Sanna Ahvenjärvi, presentations of works and recordings of some of the compositions. There is also information about the performances of the compositions.

In the pedagogy section, you can find information about me both as a composition teacher for children and young people and as a teacher of composition pedagogy.

The pedagogy section also contains sheet music and recordings of some of my students’ compositions. If you did not find what you were looking for or would like to order a new composition or want ask me to give you a training in composition pedagogy, then please get in touch!

I wish you have a nice visit on my website!

Tapio Lappalainen


"Water" won the Teosto Prize 2023!

April 28, 2023

Our symphony orchestra composition " Water", co-composed with Sanna Ahvenjärvi, won the Teosto Prize in 2023! The work was commissioned by the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra and premiered at the Tampere Biennale Festival 2022 with Rebecca Tong as conductor.


March 1, 2023

Emmepä olisi syksyllä 2018 arvanneet, kun Tampere Filharmonia tilasi meiltä orkesterisävellyksen, että se tulee olemaan vuonna 2023 Teosto-palkintoehdokkaana!

Jääkalikoiden jäädyttäminen

April 3, 2022

Yhteisorkesterisävellyksessämme ”Water” lyömäsoittaja soittaa jääkalikkaa raapimalla sitä rytmikkäästi lasagnelastalla. Jääkalikan sisälle on jäädytetty hydrofoni. Tässä blogissa kerromme, kuinka jääkalikka valmistetaan "soittokuntoon".